Just not feelin’ it

I went to get my haircut tonight, for the first time in oh, 9 months. I started having a tail so I couldn’t put it off anymore. You know, mullet style. Cant pull that one off! I had a gift card, so it wasn’t too painful for the wallet. But do you ever feel, like you just “don’t fit in with girls”? Like seriously, this salon was swarming with girls pouring time and money into themselves. And so prissy. Maybe I’m a tomboy, or just plain na-tur-al…who’s to say, like what do you even talk about? The only thing I have to share is things like, i’m lucky to get a shower every other day, let alone clean underwear. Or eh, who doesn’t love the smell of sour milk. On that topic, having a 3 week old…this milk supply is uncontrollable. I squirt her in the face far too often, leak through sweatshirts multiple times a day, because I never think to put pads in before it’s too late. But who wants to hear that.  I just cannot fathom, how women choose themselves over there babies. Things are tight on one income, but I see it as the only way.  So we will carry on looking tired and frumpy, other then the once a month day where a mascara and straightening of the hair and maybe even looking cute-ish. for a day happens.
But, right now…I feel so different from normal girls,like how I look, how I think…even how I smile-am I crazy? not sure if that’s a good thing or if I have lost it.. do you ever feel uncomfortable around girls, like I did tonight?

Thanks for letting me vent. That’s what this is all about, getting it out. Hearing your opinions, suggestions and advice.
Carry on with this mom life. xo

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