I stink.

If you keep putting off a shower because you don’t want to hear screams and hope they survive 5 minutes by themselves….if you think no one can reaaally smell you.
If you think its okay to take care of everything but yourself. Well, When your 3 year old walks past and says “mom, you stink!” In a disgusted tone, there’s not much to be said. But that it’s time.

This happened to me yesterday and i stunk….I let them fend for themselves for five minutes and they survived and I was refreshed and felt much better about myself.

I now smell good.


Free spirit, fly on.


As I watched them dance, spin and be free yesterday, my heart was flooded with love. They’re so free spirited, hear no judgement and are %100 ok with how God made them. I just pray and pray for all three. The devil has come to devour and he is alive in this world. Feeding lies into our young women’s minds. Taking joy. Money is being poured into the look of a women…people we say it with our own mouths, “our treasure is not here on earth”, “beauty is not from the inside”… but do we really live that way. Ha, no! Wake up….Women in today’s society don’t feel enough, until they’re hairs the “right” color, makeup is covered up the perfection he made. And our clothes are on the verge of sexy.
May I encourage you, you are enough. “There is no flaw in you” he created you. Beautiful you, don’t cover it with what satan uses in our sex saturated society. Hold your head high, in who you are.
May you find strength knowing that you are perfectly created with Gods hand.
You are a work of art.
You are enough.
Don’t listen to the lies, overcome that by speaking truth to yourself.
Don’t chase the styles, acceptance from this sick world. Run this race for Him, in the end its gonna be you and Him.
“Don’t grow weary in doing good”
Its tiring going against this world, standing on your own, being looked at with judgment. its worth it! We were created by Him, for Him! How awesome.
You are a master piece!  Breath life into
those other women around you, because we all struggle with lies. May you have the words, the strength and the courage to be different. Carry on loves, xo

Does anyone hear me

Do we listen and do what the bible says, I kinda feel like Gods a “thing you do” in today’s society, everyone claims they know and live for our Savior, but what does that look like. In not our worlds eye but God, the judge?…we want to wrap Him around the life we want. Justify or twist his Word, folks…the bible doesn’t expire. The Bible is so clear, and its as if we completely ignore his do’s and dont’s…advice, comments or opinions are welcome, as I am just searching also…and really not sure where I am at. I’m just so burnt out on luke warm Christians. People putting God on things of there own desire. As I have become a mom to three fragile souls, I have become overwhelmed. This world is so heavy, so sick and the precious, sweetness that littles have is so easily robbed. I want to be different. To raise them according to the Word of God. Are we afraid to be different, to be set apart, drastically? Don’t be, I think thats how we as Christians should be…As followers that is what Jesus has called us to. Not to follow the luke warm path that most lead but to be on fire. If you blend in, you may be off track, right?… Challenged to be a challenger. Do not

grow weary in doing good, soldiers. xo

Just not feelin’ it

I went to get my haircut tonight, for the first time in oh, 9 months. I started having a tail so I couldn’t put it off anymore. You know, mullet style. Cant pull that one off! I had a gift card, so it wasn’t too painful for the wallet. But do you ever feel, like you just “don’t fit in with girls”? Like seriously, this salon was swarming with girls pouring time and money into themselves. And so prissy. Maybe I’m a tomboy, or just plain na-tur-al…who’s to say, like what do you even talk about? The only thing I have to share is things like, i’m lucky to get a shower every other day, let alone clean underwear. Or eh, who doesn’t love the smell of sour milk. On that topic, having a 3 week old…this milk supply is uncontrollable. I squirt her in the face far too often, leak through sweatshirts multiple times a day, because I never think to put pads in before it’s too late. But who wants to hear that.  I just cannot fathom, how women choose themselves over there babies. Things are tight on one income, but I see it as the only way.  So we will carry on looking tired and frumpy, other then the once a month day where a mascara and straightening of the hair and maybe even looking cute-ish. for a day happens.
But, right now…I feel so different from normal girls,like how I look, how I think…even how I smile-am I crazy? not sure if that’s a good thing or if I have lost it.. do you ever feel uncomfortable around girls, like I did tonight?

Thanks for letting me vent. That’s what this is all about, getting it out. Hearing your opinions, suggestions and advice.
Carry on with this mom life. xo

exhausted, just exhausted.

September 23rd we welcomed our third bundle of tiredness, I mean joy. But seriously…going from two to three has kicked my butt. I’m not sure what it is, but its insane how different it is. Like leaving the house with two was great. Three? Yeah…hasnt happened. So much work. We have been hermits till daddy gets home. I have realized, i legitimately cannot do this on my own strength, I have had had had to rely on God the last few weeks. The days my eyes burn and I’m sick of blood, fighting diapers and feeling frumpy, ive had to give it to God. He is always there, but why does it take us hitting bottom before we realize we cant do life on our own strength?