These days, I hope we never forget.

I hope we never forget these days. How trying, draining and hard these times are. The definition of tired, where your eyes burn. Poop and more poop. You time, is now there time. Showers may or may not happen daily.

I know they say when you look back, the hard fades and the good shines over, but I hope we remember. Ah, But man, it does takes a village. It takes the ones that have gone through these times, mentoring, giving breaks, advice, support and wisdom.
Don’t silently judge, but jump in. Us young parents have never done this, don’t hold back. I feel in today’s age, we let each other struggle.
These days are by far the best days of my life, but also the most draining. This three under four is kickin’ my butt! No matter the age, how many, it is a struggle. Learning, loving and disciplining, fragile beings.
Lets hold each other up. Lets be a village, shall we?

To all young momma’s and daddy’s…push on.
Gods in this with you. May His face shine down on you. xo


Stories on stories

Today we had the blessing of spending time with my grandparents. They’re in there 80’s and have so many stories to share.
I love hearing there passion for God, stories from raising there kids, the challenges, the things they miss and advice for my life now.  One thing my gramps of few words said, that stuck with me was, “when i was in the army as a barber and was asked to do a one time sermon then asked to be the full time minister after that by the general. He said,I’m not sure why I said yes, but I did. I would preach in front of 400 soldiers, I just know it wasn’t me, it was all God speaking through me. Because, usually I have very few words and don’t enjoy speaking to crowds. But God used me, and now I’m thankful I had that opportunity, I still can’t believe I did that!”

That made me think about life.
When you think you can’t,  you can.
If God calls us to it, he will empower us and we may learn something we always have doubted in ourselves.

God knows what he’s doing.
If we feel the nudge, we can’t doubt our ability but trust God in His ability.
He may just surprise us, use us for His kingdom in ways we never would of imagined.