Oh, beloved housework.

It haunts me.
It overwhelms me.
I never feel on top.
Its suffocating.

These are lies.

As I was talking with a friend tonight and God brought this new outlook to my mind.
I am so excited to share it with you!


Day to day, housework stresses me out. Sometimes it feels like a race, I’m trying to lap my kids, just to keep up.

But still, I never feel like I’m winning.
I constantly feel like I’m failing, the worst housekeeper, mom and wife in the world.

Until tonight.
This, just this. Listen and tell me if you agree.
Think back to a three weeks ago, three years ago.
You don’t remember if your house was clean, organized or if there were dishes in the sink, do you?
I surely don’t! …I remember three years ago, when my oldest started crawling, with her curly top and her piercing blue eyes.
I remember my youngest three weeks ago started her crooked grin. Well, You get the idea.

In the moment of it, the house is a big deal.
But really, is it? If I can’t remember if the house looked like a tornado hit from just a short bit ago, is it really going to matter in 20 years. Is that what we want to look back and remember keeping busy with?

In 20 years, it will be too late to take these days back. Too late to recreate memories. To let dishes sit,  laundry linger, and organization fall behind.
A friend’s facebook status yesterday was “I spent too much time worrying about crumbs on the floor when my kids were just rugrats, but thankful I get a second chance with my grandkids.” Stuck with me, because for me, its not too late!

Because none of that really matters.
Matters? Ok, it does…. We want to have it be up to our standard, clean, collected and pretty. but is now the time?
Just a new view that I am excited about, as I start a new monday tomorrow.
So if your house is wrecked, but your kids are loved, happy and having a ball. That doesn’t mean your a bad mom or homemaker. It means your cherishing these few short years….
Food for thought…
Now what do you think, please share.


May we as momma’s have peace, joy as we trust in Him and seek Him alone on this journey..

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