
Christmas in this society, is hard.

This culture tries with all its ferocious might to suck me under.
To blind me, to make me feel like a failure.
Well, I stuck it to them.
We had a wonderful CHRISTmas.
Having sweets, that are getting a little older, that can grasp words, concepts that we teach them….is SO much fun.
I thoroughly enjoyed the joy they found, the sparkle of wonder in there eyes.

We create there normal, what they expect/know is what we have made known to them, as normal.

So, we’re trying to do things differently.

All the gifts we bought them, we got off the online yardsales in our area, for next to nothing.
We did no electronics.
We gave things to a family homeless, living in a hotel.
And my favorite part was, we made Jesus a birthday cake! (That they got to decorate.) And sang happy birthday to him. A tradition I hope to keep.

I challenge you to create a normal in your kiddo’s minds, that’s not normal in the worlds eye view. Be a Jesus freak. 


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