
Today, I’m down.
I love these girls, but I want someone else to cherish them the way hubs & I do…


Just feeling terribly lonely.
I have people in my life. But feel they don’t care. My sisters, I adore but other then them, who truly loves me.
Do you ever feel like this?
I will get a forward, a group text….how lame is that?
I want personal, i want to be known. To be pursued.
I want to be valued for my heart, my dreams and my desire to be different.
Sometimes it feels like i’m in a ocean of people that don’t understand me.
I over think too much, people thin

k i’m crazy. But seriously, I think us Christians need to think more, to truly be set apart.

Christians don’t like how I question, us Christians. But we bother me.
I think it’s too easy to put the stamp of Christianity on ourselves and surround ourselves with “church people”
We tend to pull what we want from the bible. Like, forgiveness,  grace, love, mercy, blessings. All true, but I feel if we pull that out we also have to hear the other words in there.
For example, “donot be drunk on wine” how clear…but we glide right over that along with so much more.
Because it’s not what WE want, its not comfortable.  So, we just don’t talk about verses like this.

Ah, thank you for listening. I feel much better just writing, ranting and getting it off my chest.

You are Superwoman.

No one can do a moms job…

Have you ever actually thought about it?…

Tonight I’ve been thinking about it and it almost brought me to tears.
What we do everyday. We love, nurture, protect and raise these loves.
On top of that…we, somehow…Get laundry, dishes, baths, housework (sometimes), fill bellies, and a billion other things.

No one can replace you.
Our husbands help raise them, they do…but sometimes I feel like they don’t .
They know only a glimpse of this life day to day.
They say they know its the hardest job in the world. But do they fully understand?…I don’t think so.

They get stressed out and hand one or more of to us, like they’re not sure how to parent.. When we’re thinking, hello, we do this everyday, can you not handle it for 5 minutes. Figure it out, they fight…they make messes. But you do it. Its called being a mom.
Some days I find myself bitter. Why can’t someone understand all that I do. How hard it is…and how we are super woman…We could NEVER leave and return to a home or kids that we left. We are superwoman.

I’m not saying that as a pat on the back, but understand. You kick butt. Your doing something no one else could come in and do. Do we always do it right?…is the house always clean?  Heck no…We are doing more then anyone understands. Some days we burst, that’s ok. Tomorrow is a new day.

Do you question your worth?…don’t. ..no one can replace you and do what you do.

Just look around. Your what holds this home together.
You are gifted, talented and the best multi tasker alive.